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Urban Angler


We love traveling and we love fishing. For the past 30 years we have traveled in search of great fishing, interesting destinations, and unique experiences. The goal of our travel department is to match clients’ expectations with the most suitable options.

Our role as a fly fishing travel agency is very simple, to be your advocate in finding a destination that best fits your fishing goals, schedule, and budget. All itineraries are custom-tailored to address the individual needs of each client.

Rather than be all things to all anglers, we focus on select destinations that we know intimately.

Does it cost more to book your trip with Urban Angler?
No, booking your fly fishing trip with Urban Angler costs no more than if you were to book directly with a lodge. As a matter of fact it may even save you money; it will certainly save you time!

Why Book With Us?
Booking directly with a lodge or outfitter can often result in an excellent trip. But keep in mind, they want your business and can only offer you what they have available. What if the only dates available are not during their prime season? Unfortunately, they are not likely to refer you to another destination and instead will suggest dates that suit their availability. This is when our knowledge and experience is invaluable. We know what the prime season is at each of the destinations we represent and will make sure that your expectations are set appropriately.

Rather than be all things to all anglers, we focus on select destinations that we know intimately. If you are interested in a destination that we do not know well, we will recommend a travel agency that specializes in that region.

What To Expect?
As part of our travel service we provide every client with a detailed travel itinerary as well as a precise packing list, and other important pre-trip information. Being properly prepared for your trip can be as important as choosing the correct destination and the right time to travel.

This is why many of our clients have been booking their travel with us for the past 30 years.

Contact Us
Call or email us for some suggestions on your next fly fishing adventure. It costs nothing and you just may find a world full of great fishing options that you never knew existed.

Phone: (800) 255-5488 • Email: [email protected]